Here is the place where you make new friends who share the same problems as you. Unlike the large websites this will give you a chance to talk with others one on one...For Family members to meet other families...
I will send you an email address for you to contact (kind of like a pen pal or in this case E- Pal) Just remember this is a place for people with Lupus and Myositis Diseases.
We are here to help each other...Just enter in your info.
...May we all have fun with this...
When entering in your info here-
Just Enter your Nickname and Email Address.
Emails will be sent out to you same day or fallowing day.
My Email Address open to all it is
Or you can call (334) 440-2454
Please add Lupus or Myositis Support to the subject line
Drop me a line, I am always here to help. Tell me your story.
No matter how you feel- you are NEVER alone
If you would like your story posted please just send it to me via Email and I will have it posted.
Georgia & Alabama
More comming soonIn no way will I sell your email address or provide it to spammers. Please let me know if you do or do not want me to find you a pen pal...